I danced as much as possible! It was fun to get all dressed up and party with friends I don't get to see very much, and the ones I see almost everyday too! I was able to go as Justin's date, Emily was Mac's date, Barrett was Dannie's date and Kyle just came!
There was a beautiful sunny day for the wedding and the next day for our track and cross country team pictures we just barely missed rain. With scheduling issues for a photographer our pictures, of course, were moved to the day we had to come back from Chicago. We ended up having to leave earlier than we would have liked
Below I have the fabulous picture of the cross country team and underneath that one is the track team! We can clean up pretty nicely I must say! This next week of school was a short week for me with teacher convention! Only three days of school, one being our rocks and minerals field trip, a partial day off with working on report cards and the rest of the two days I kept busy getting errands done and preparing for conference!