Monday, November 7, 2011

Wedding weekend and teacher convention

  The last post I had was the Monday before Kelsey's brother's wedding! We all had a really great time! I successfully completed my longest driving trip only getting very switched around trying to leave Chicago! We may have driven through the O'Hare airport :) Needless to say that and the cop that almost gave me a ticket for parking on a road outside of a park could not overshadow the great weekend! So much love was in the air and happiness of all the guests their to be apart of it!

I danced as much as possible! It was fun to get all dressed up and party with friends I don't get to see very much, and the ones I see almost everyday too! I was able to go as Justin's date, Emily was Mac's date, Barrett was Dannie's date and Kyle just came!
There was a beautiful sunny day for the wedding and the next day for our track and cross country team pictures we just barely missed rain. With scheduling issues for a photographer our pictures, of course, were moved to the day we had to come back from Chicago. We ended up having to leave earlier than we would have liked

 to but at least the pictures didn't get rained out! That would have been very unfortunate! Even with going through O'Hare and turning around 4 times we still made it back with some time to get ready too!
Below I have the fabulous picture of the cross country team and underneath that one is the track team! We can clean up pretty nicely I must say! This next week of school was a short week for me with teacher convention! Only three days of school, one being our rocks and minerals field trip, a partial day off with working on report cards and the rest of the two days I kept busy getting errands done and preparing for conference!